
Group: DynoMotion Message: 8509 From: gerrylenz Date: 10/22/2013
Subject: kflop+kanalog+steper+linear scales = closed loop

i need help with closed loop system.
My System is:
leadscrew screw pitch 4 mm
stepper 200 full 1.8 °
amplifier 1/16 steps

linear scale encoders jp1
amplifiers jp5

Axis Mode
output: cl step

input channels:
0 gain 1 offset 0
output 4 gain 1 offset 0

I= 0.01

max limits:

Motion Profile:

Low Pass 2 nd
Freq 100 Hz
Q 1.4
compute -> download

And now?

In KmotionCNC DRO show not correct.
What is the correct setting in Trjectory Planer -> cnts/inch?
I read the documentation but i think im nothing understand...

I need big help.

Group: DynoMotion Message: 8510 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 10/22/2013
Subject: Re: kflop+kanalog+steper+linear scales = closed loop
Hi Gerry,

What is the resolution of your linear scales?


Group: DynoMotion Message: 8516 From: gerrylenz Date: 10/22/2013
Subject: Re: kflop+kanalog+steper+linear scales = closed loop
Hi, The resolution is 0.001 mm Type is glas scale jcxe. Gerry
Group: DynoMotion Message: 8518 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 10/22/2013
Subject: Re: kflop+kanalog+steper+linear scales = closed loop
Hi Gerry,

The resolution of your Steps is:

200 x 16 / 4mm = 800 Steps/mm

The Resolution of your encoder is 1000 counts/mm

So set your InputGain0 parameter to 0.8 so everything is in Steps of 800 counts/mm (20320 counts/inch)

Test an Open Loop Move on the KMotion Step Response Screen the Position (red) and Command (blue) plots should match very well.

Test a Closed Loop Move and they should match better.

Set the Trajectory Planner Counts/inch to 20320.


Group: DynoMotion Message: 8540 From: gerrylenz Date: 10/28/2013
Subject: Re: kflop+kanalog+steper+linear scales = closed loop

 Hi Tom,

>200 x 16 / 4mm = 800 Steps/mm
this i understand but then gear on motor 1:2 is
200  x 2 x 16 / 4 ?

>The Resolution of your encoder is 1000 counts/mm
ok i read the manual the resolution is 0.005
Now the Resolution of my encoder is 500 counts/mm ?

>So set your InputGain0 parameter to 0.8
Is it steps/encoder resolution ex. 800 (Steps/mm) / 1000

>Set the Trajectory Planner Counts/inch to 20320.
ok but the system is select in mm and i think 20320 is 800 x 25.4 for convert mm to inch
When the program is select mm then set the Trajectory Planner Counts/inch to mm is 800 correct?


---In dynomotion@yahoogroups.com, <tk@...> wrote:

Hi Gerry,

The resolution of your Steps is:

200 x 16 / 4mm = 800 Steps/mm

The Resolution of your encoder is 1000 counts/mm

So set your InputGain0 parameter to 0.8 so everything is in Steps of 800 counts/mm (20320 counts/inch)

Test an Open Loop Move on the KMotion Step Response Screen the Position (red) and Command (blue) plots should match very well.

Test a Closed Loop Move and they should match better.

Set the Trajectory Planner Counts/inch to 20320.


Group: DynoMotion Message: 8548 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 10/28/2013
Subject: Re: kflop+kanalog+steper+linear scales = closed loop
See below

Group: DynoMotion Message: 8549 From: gerrylenz Date: 10/28/2013
Subject: Re: kflop+kanalog+steper+linear scales = closed loop
Hi Tom,

>200 x 16 / 4mm = 800

>this i understand but then gear on motor 1:2 is
>200  x 2 x 16 / 4 ?
>Depends which way the gearing

is a Toothed belt drives 2:1
on motor is 15 teeth and on spindle is 30 teeth

Damn i hope you understand my english :)
